creative × berlin
We celebrate every road you take
Queer streets and hard roads
× Wow
Our commitment to Pride takes many forms. We’ve long been a prominent and vocal supporter of LGBQIA+ communities. So it’s important that we continue to speak up.
But this year we decided to go further and show up. Literally.
Travelling the iconic streets that have historically meant so much to LGBQIA+ communities in their journey towards queer visibility and equality. And in doing so saying, as a brand, Mercedes-Benz, that is visible in the street, and as an ally: “We celebrate every road you take.”
× How
Pride is a place. So we selected five cities – NYC, London, Milan, Tokyo and Berlin – and journeyed down those streets that are paved with LGBQIA+ history. Recording, respecting and collecting stories of pride and celebration. And in doing so honouring those who have helped shape queer culture and make their streets and their cities what they are today.
Whether it was Christopher Street in New York, Fuggerstrasse in Berlin or Tokyo’s Shinjuku district – we travelled and documented the inclusive spaces where LGBQIA+ people first felt a sense of freedom.
× Pow
x5 Cities.
x3 Continents.
Hundreds of stories, images, recorded, shared and celebrated throughout social media.